Eulogy for the Reabsorbed

No one talks about 8.

16 and 18 sleep in different beds

in the same room. Both flat on their bellies,

they sleep on sheets that smell

like empty men. They hate mornings.

13 paints her face, pins the corners

of her mouth up with safety pins

and listens to her own footsteps.

Her mind palace is a graveyard,

there she buries all the things

she wished were gone.

10 sits in the sunken place

with 11 and 12. The air is cold and damp. 

They meet the first empty man

and he gives them sweets for their years.

10 and 11 are always sorry.

12 is a cynic.

15 is lonely. She builds a box

and locks her monsters inside.

17 pretends.

19 burns the box.

21 and 20 get high together

and sit in silence on the porch.

21 wants to go home.

22 is searching.




Womanhood: an evolution